Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Rehab...Nice try Lindsay Lohan

Rehab is a great program designed to help people overcome a sickness that could eventually take their life. As a court mandated program, or as Lindsay Lohan used it as, a way to bring back an image of a once sweet Innocent girl, does not work. Rehab is more of a vacation for some, a way to talk to, and lie to people by telling them you are sick, need help, and in the end are rehabilitated.

Lindsay is a disgrace to what rehab is designed for. The extra stay, the headphone looking ankle bracelet, were not fooling any of the former Lohan fans! Hopefully, when she gets released from jail, she does not continue her circle of destruction, but I am sure she already has her old room in rehab already reserved, and her next party booked!

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