Friday, August 10, 2007

Barry Bonds, A Short Comment

Every writer out there has published their two cents on Barry Bonds breaking the most coveted record in baseball. Most are on the dark side, saying he did not break the record, and it still belongs to Aaron, or he broke the record by cheating.

The simple fact of the matter is this: he broke the record.

Bonds was a phenomenal athlete, even as a rookie. he had a quick bat and better eye than any other player out there. He has not been proven guilty of anything. Even if something were to surface, his natural abilities still make him greater than anyone in the past or present.

As an end to this short blurb, congratulations Barry, for now, enjoy your time on top.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Fat Kids, Bad Parents II

Several months ago, Toucan Sam was blamed for making United States youths fat, due to his irresistible image, rendering children helpless against the delicious cereal he represents. As previously posted, this was a scape goat for parents to blame, making them look like competent parents, as hauling around monster size extra large kiddies.

Today, research was released saying that young children choose anything in a McDonald's wrapper over the same food item in a non McDonald's wrapper. The super marketing strategists have caused such a craze that the fat kids must eat and eat and eat, rendering any attempts to get them to stop eating useless, and the so called parents, helpless against the Golden Arches!
I was unaware that ad firms posses super human abilities to mind numbingly control the likes of adults and children alike. Should I fear for my fingers next ? If they were to advertise fingers being tasty like a gresy Mcdonalds burger, I may have to stay in hiding! Are children these days so ravishing hungry that the animal like instincts are coming out, leading to them devouring everything in sight and wanting more and more, until the food runs out, like the cavemen of old?

The fat kid blame game is leading toward that of uncontrollably hungry kids, like swarms of locusts, looking around every corner for any food item, especially the tasty, coveted Golden Arch. This image is not at all true, and could be stopped by a simple "No"!

This obesity blame game will continue to go on forever. Parents are too cowardly, now a day, to say it's MY fault for giving my fatty kid McDonald's. It's MY fault for letting them drink soda and eat candy. It's MY fault my child is obese!

A perfect example (although i hope not indicative of the majority of parents of fatty kids) the one and only Britney Spears! She has laid a foundation of what NOT to do when raising children! We can all look at her, use her as an example, and do exactly opposite of what she does!
Keep an eye out for the "Stop Blaming Advertising for Fat Kids Campaign", this will become imparative once the blame game gets so out of control, that all advertising is deemed illegal.
To read the prior post on the death of Toucan Sam:

Friday, August 3, 2007

Birth Control, or Chop it off! Advice for the Duggar Family

Below: the Duggar family of Hicksville Arkansas

The Duggar family of Hicksville Arkansas welcomed their 17Th child! And this beastly woman will likely get knocked up again! It gets easier as it goes, as now the 3rd eldest child has a newborn to take care of, as he gets home schooled in the art of child rearing.

My first wish is that this not get picked up by AP. It makes this country look terrible like we are a bunch of uncivilized hicks that don't know any better than to screw and have babies. Although my thoughts of the south are not the greatest, this family certainly does not help the image, as they live in the sticks in a PO-dunk town and are likely half the population or more!

I understand religion as much, if not more than, most people, but I also understand reason. For example, that child will certainly get raised by the siblings, not the parents. It is a strain to the economy, and creates more unintelligent citizens who will all likely go out and create more babies, as that what the "Home Schooling" will be teaching them.

Birth control - just do it, or don't do IT, get it? I feel bad for the husband, but it can't be that great after child 17 just popped out, no problems. Another technique, that this poor man must not have learned is "pull out". Definitely not 100% safe, but could prolong #18 until menopause kicks in!
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