Friday, June 15, 2007

Bad Parents, Fat Ass kids

I was quite steamed to read that fat parents of fat kids, instead of saying, "no fatty kid, don't eat a whole box of cereal", decided to sue Kellogg's, and Kellogg's response was to kill characters such as Toucan Sam, and others!

Why is it that the fat parents have to blame something other than themselves for their fat kids?? Some quick advice, force your chunky monkey kid to eat veggies, not just the fatty, microwave crap!

Further, is the promotion of cereals in advertising, having that great of an effect, that the fatty kids can't resist? I hardly believe that seeing Toucan Sam forced them to eat a whole box of cereal!

My final advise is this, parents, please control your kids, and Kellogg's, Toucan Sam is not the criminal!


Anonymous said...

I agree whole heartedly with you Max. I see a larger issue here. America has become a place for whiners and sissies. No one is at fault anymore...its always someone else's fault. The whole "its not my fault im fat, poor, uneducated, divorced with 4 kids from 4 daddies, have a meth habit, a felony record"...its the system, or advertising or the race excuse. What the hell happened to people owning up to their own shortcomings and mistakes. Yes, it was YOU who made the choice to smoke the rock then blow the dealer, which led to herpes which led to aids, which led you to have crack babies because you were too stoned to use protection.
If more kids were disciplined properly, issues like this would not be as prevalent in our society. Thanks for your time.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Pepperwood, you are a very smart man.

In addition to your numerous excellent points I must add that, sadly, this society of 'whiners and sissies' will only become more widespread in the future. Gen Y is being raised as a generation of pussies. Kids no longer keep score during little-league. This way no one is a winner and more importantly, no one is a LOSER. This kind of b.s. has turned them all into pussies. Some people ARE better, smarter, more athletic, etc. than others. My four blue ribbons from 5th grade track and field day are proof.

The sooner kids realize that people are not all equal, the better.

P.s. Who won the shoe kick?

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