Monday, June 25, 2007

iPhone or iPhony balony?

So much hype, so much commercial airtime, and so much anticipation for the release of the iPhone that, I for one, am already sick of the thing! The big question here is if it's worth the price tag for the phone, and especially the services that will be required to run the thing. Also, since AT&T must have paid big bucks to have it for themselves, is it worth to switch services?

First off, the functionality is already out there, in Blackberry's and other handheld devices. Second, a cell phone is just that, a phone, sure it's nice to have all the myriad of other features, but there must be a limit. Apple's market will be the high end phone users, which means business people who need to be connected at all times. So, will large company's be willing to provide the iPhone to their executives to conduct business? The other buyers will certainly be the rich a and spoiled, who will really make up a small portion of sales.

In the beginning, I predict a mass buying of the iPhone for the techies, dying of curiosity, who gave in to the commercial hype, then dying down to normal sales, or possibly below, until discounts hit, and they give them away.

Will I be in line to get the iPhone, nope. I say the iPhone is iPhony balony!


Anonymous said...

something news-worthy please. this is crap.

Maxx_power04 said...

Sorry, slow news week. Paris is the top story everywhere, and my prior post on her, was the last.

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