Monday, June 11, 2007

Sopranos Finale! Final words...or Darkness!

After listening to hours of reviews, and reading many articles on the Sopranos finale, here is the final answer:

You either love it or hate it, and here's why:

Hate it:
I was initially in this group, I wanted an answer, a conclusion, and nice neat package to say, here's why I have been watching for 8 seasons. That and more people getting knocked off. (note that the one person who did, was a good one). The way it ended up, was nothing! Confusion (did my power go out, is something wrong with my cable) that, and, why did nothing happen?? The last 6 minutes was intense, and led to absolutely nothing! Onion rings! The possibility of a hit out there? Nope just onion rings and darkness. People with this view, hated it, and felt cheated!

Love it:
After opening my mind a bit, I swung into this category. The writers wanted to give an unexpected ending, and nothing was more unexpected than Nothing! The openness for interpretation led several shows on hour+ long debates on what happened, what's going on, what may have been missed. It was a thinkers episode, and left wide open for much imagination and interpretation. I heard some amazing theories out there, but I left at it, "it is what it is". It's another day, Tony has the same family problems, and the same work related problems as on the first episode. This was where we left them, and possible WE the fans are knocked off!

The Sopranos lovers out there, either love or hate it, or hated to love it! Either way, I have already spent hours discussing, which may not have occurred, if given to us in a nice neat package.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awesome post! Very well written and thorough!

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