Friday, July 13, 2007

Harry Potter Book - SPOILER!!

Harry dies! Well, actually that's the way I would want it be! Hermione is getting to become quite the attractive young lady, and I would hate to see her go. The release is so very near, i know the Potter fanatics out there are dying right now, and thinking of a way to high jack the first shipments of the book, which occur on July 16. Look out post office! There may be a swarm of witches and wizzards out, conjuring up spells, to obtain their beloved book, and keep it out of the hands of He-who-must-not-be-named!

Here is a depressing thought for you allthe wanna-be witches and wizards, this is the last book! What now? What's next?? At least there are a few movie releases yet to come, which I'm sure if the tickets were on pre-sale, there would be a line for them too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's quite a dish! Can't wait until she old enough for skin flicks, or to get a DUI and then do the rehab stint, and then of course come the crotch shots!

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